1.Of course there was birthdays and Christmas but in between times too if I saw something I thought he'd like I get it for him.
2.In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next.
3.He took her free hand, letting his fingers in between hers, climbed AT her side the two concrete steps.
4.They took a bath together, and later a shower, in between rounds, and by the time they were sated it was the middle of the night.
5.Odobenocetops was an air-breathing mammal so had to rise to the surface in between pes.
6.In between all this serious construction we've spent time in the local school where we are funding the building of a set of toilets.
7."I started on the right but Rafa told me to move around and try and get in between the lines, " he said.
8.And, even when it is conducted on a regular basis, the frequency of discussions is often few and far in between.
9.The midpoint in-between is often a sensitive point in the chart that bears the combined significations of those two planets.
10.You will define a string to be a QUOTED_STRING if it begins with a quote, ends with a quote and has any other character in between.